"SHE" deserves to be loved

waiting. :D Let’s talk about love. Last few days ago, I and one of my closest friends had bonding time. We’ve talked about lots of things like family issues, church concerns, things we do want to have, places we do want to go, and of course our Love (less) life. Hahaha :D She is 25 years young and I am 21 but we do have the same questions pertaining to love. I know some of you girls out there and even some boys have questions about “LOVE”. Like, when can we meet our beloved prince? Followed by Where, Why, How, and Who? :D But these questions aren’t the one that makes me think of. It’s this: “Is there a man able to fall in love with a woman who has lots of responsibilities and priorities?” I’ll elaborate it for you. For example, I am 21 years old eldest to my “SIX” siblings and has a big responsibility of taking good care of them physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. And I know, based on my experience and observations that ‘most of’...